Whether its due to health concerns, odors, or home resale, our attic cleaning services are affordable and effective. We vacuum and kill all bacteria and rodent feces with our biodegradable disinfectant and blow in new attic insulation.

- No more germs, urine, bacteria, spores & nests
- Eliminates bad odors coming from your property's attic
- Sell your house with confidence
- Better indoor air quality
Your attic is the prime target area for rodents to sneak into your house unseen. This can be not only dangerous but also emit horrendous smells that you might got used to already but your guests haven’t.
Spray Foam Masters specializes in attic cleaning & decontamination. Every property is different, our vast experience allows us to offer the best solution for the best price. Schedule a free estimate today!
Read real reviews from property owners just like you.

They cleaned, sanitized and sealed the attic from rodent feces. They also gave us a three year warranty! Now our attic is clean and rodent proofed.

They cleaned and sanitized the attic, and nicely installed the insulation. Their customer service was amazing, and they kept us very happy.

Attic cleaning done by experts.

Let's take care of your attic cleaning today!
Check out some of the other services we provide
Closed cell
Rodent Proofing
& more